
海上云端 2024-06-06 06:11:33
liaoning jiutong electrical electronic co., ltd. was establ**hed in 2000. it ** a high tech manufacturing company that design and produce {high voltage electrical net(?)} svc,fc, other electronic automotive facilities and systems. based on the tranditional led technology, we research the led engineering lightening device, led (芯片封装),led 散热system, w**ed led drive and ...which h**e made the company won 4 inventory award and 1 new applicational inventory. (专利) shenyang plant, which ** the r&d center of jiutong, ** one of the leading company in th** industry in and abroad. jiutong ** making every effort to develope its product and technology, as well as management skills with the concept of power s**ing, environmental protecting and waste reducing. jiutong's products ** now popular with the customers in the markets, winning a highly reputation in its field. with its technology advantages, regional led targets, digging attitude, jiutong ** now doing better to serve the society.好多词不会哦。懒查。将就吧。 20210311

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    结合你自己的实际情况,把下面的这些修改一下就行了。杭州艾臣服饰有限公司是一家集专业设计、生产和销售于一体的现代化女装企业。自2002年成立推出注册品牌“ever dear”以来,一直致力于引领...
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