
Y·L?? 2024-06-03 09:26:26
subprime mortgage cr****the subprime mortgage cr**** ** an ongoing real estate cr**** and financial cr**** triggered by a dramatic r**e in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the united states, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. the cr****, which has its roots in the closing years of the 20th century, became apparent in 2007 and has exposed pervasive weaknesses in financial industry regulation and the global financial system.[1]approximately 80% of u.s. mortgages **sued in recent years to subprime borrowers were adjustable-rate mortgages.[2] after u.s. house prices peaked in mid-2006 and began their steep decline thereafter, refinancing became more difficult. as adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher rates, mortgage delinquencies soared. securities backed with subprime mortgages, widely held by financial firms, lost most of their value. the result has been a large decline in the capital of many banks and u.s. ** sponsored enterpr**es, tightening credit around the world.受字数及审核限制,请您更多详见**与**房地产相关的内容five thousand chinese applied to go on these junkets, but only 512 of them were able to prove they h**e the money and the desire to buy. the first group, which i met up with, cons**ted of only 21 tour**ts, but was originally supposed to h**e 40. many couldn't get v**as in time. some h**e never even been to the united states before. "most of these v**itors are at the top level of society in china," says osman wei, executive director of the california chamber of commerce foundation. wei's group ** hosting the tour**ts during their first stop, los angeles. from here they will house hunt in las vegas, san franc**co, boston and new york. why buy here? "because the housing market in china ** going crazy in the last five or six years," says wei, who adds that while prices in beijing and shanghai are falling, they're not falling as much as they are here. "the payback would be a lot better (in the u.s.) than what they can do in china." the tour**ts include yin guohua, a lawyer from beijing who ** looking for a place where he can stay when he v**its with h** son. "my budget ** about a half million dollars," he said through a translator. as he looked over a home in the los angeles suburb of corona, he commented that "the prices are pretty good, but if they go down, they'll be better." most of the tour**ts are looking to spend between $300,000 and $800,000. some are searching for the lowest prices—especially in foreclosures—while others are interested in finding homes near good schools. many say they may want to send their one-child-per-family to the states to be educated, and they'll need to find that child a place to live. one woman who helped organize the trip, ting yang, says she's most interested in looking at homes in boston. boston, as in harvard and mit. i wonder how you say, "location, location, location" in chinese? when i asked osman wei if the banks owning the foreclosed homes might be concerned about selling to foreigners, he replied, "actually, it's just totally contrary." he says he went to china in january, and local banks went with him to aggressively market real estate. "the banks are eager to sell the foreclosure property to just get the money back." but just because the chinese are here doesn't mean they'll buy. as two women toured a condominium in pasadena for sale in the high $400,000s, one commented to the other, "it's so small." 请您根据需要进行整理 20210311

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