
布雷啵啵好好喝 2024-09-27 19:53:38
【on】的意思与用法1. prep示支承)在…上 if someone or something ** on a surface or object, the surface or object ** immediately below them and ** supporting their weight. he ** sitting beside her on the sofa... 他挨着她坐在上。on top of the cupboards are vast straw baskets which pat uses for dried flower arrangements...顶上摆着帕特用来插干花的大草篮。on the table were d**hes piled high with sweets...桌上放着堆满了糖果的碟子。2. prep(表示粘贴或附着)上 if something ** on a surface or object, it ** stuck to it or attached to it. i admired the peeling paint on the ceiling...我“观赏”着天花板上正在剥落的油漆。the clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve...墙上的钟指向11点59分。there was a smear of gr**y on h** chin.他下巴上沾了些肉汁。on ** also an adverb.i know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.我会打补丁,缝纽扣。3. prep(放、扔或掉)在…上面 if you put, throw, or drop something on a surface, you move it or drop it so that it ** then supported by the surface. he got h** winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa...他从衣橱里取出冬天穿的夹克,把它扔到沙发上。he threw a folded dollar on the counter.他将折起的1美元钞票扔到柜台上。4. prep(身体重量)由(某部位)支撑 you use on to say what part of your body ** supporting your weight. he continued to lie on h** back and look at clouds...他仍旧仰卧着,望着天上的云彩。he ra**ed himself on h** elbows, squinting into the sun...他用胳膊肘支起身子,眯着眼睛看了看太阳。she was on her hands and knees in the bathroom.她趴在浴室的地上。5. prep(表示接触到身体某部位)在…上 you use on to say that someone or something touches a part of a person's body. he leaned down and k**sed her lightly on the mouth...他俯下身去,在她嘴唇上轻轻一吻。h** jaw was broken after he was hit on the head.他的头部受重击之后下颌骨折了。6. prep(某种表情)在(脸)上 if someone has a particular expression on their face, their face has that expression. the maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face...女服务员看着他,脸上带着一丝局促不安的微笑。she looked at him with a hurt expression on her face.她望着他,脸上流露出受伤的表情。7. adv(穿或戴)上,在身上 when you put a piece of clothing on, you place it over part of your body in order to wear it. if you h**e it on, you are wearing it. he put h** coat on while she opened the front door...她打开前门时,他穿上了大衣。i had a hat on.我戴了顶帽子。8. prep带在…身上 you can say that you h**e something on you if you are carrying it in your pocket or in a bag. i didn't h**e any money on me...我身上一分钱也没有。i h**e those numbers, but not on me at the moment, they're at home.我有这些号码,但眼下没带在身上,搁在家里了。9. prep(视线)落在…身上 if someone's eyes are on you, they are looking or staring at you. everyone's eyes were fixed on him...每个人都盯着他看。it's as if all eyes are focused on me...好像所有的目光都聚集在我身上似的。ellen ** eating, her eyes on her food.埃伦在吃东西,眼睛只盯着食物。10. prep(碰)上…(而受伤) if you hurt yourself on something, you accidentally hit a part of your body against it and that thing causes damage to you. mr pendle hit h** head on a wall as he fell...彭德尔先生摔倒时头磕到了墙上。one day when my wife was doing the d**hes she cut her hand on a broken glass.一天,我妻子洗碗碟时,被一只破玻璃杯割破了手。11. prep在(某)地 if you are on an area of land, you are there. he was able to spend only a few days at a time on the **land... 他每次去岛上都只能呆几天。you lived on the farm until you came back to america?你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗?...a tall tree on a mountain.山上的一棵大树12. prep是(道路、海岸等)的一部分;在…边上 if something ** situated on a place such as a road or coast, it forms part of it or ** by the side of it. bergdorf goodman has opened a men's store on fifth **enue...波道夫·古德曼在第五大道上开了一家男装店。the hotel ** on the coast...这家饭店在海边。he v**ited relatives at their summer house on the river.他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。13. prep上,乘(公共汽车、火车或飞机) if you get on a bus, train, or plane, you go into it in order to tr**el somewhere. if you are on it, you are tr**elling in it. we waited till twelve and we finally got on the plane...我们一直等到12点才终于上了飞机。i never go on the bus into the town...我从不坐公共汽车去城里。h** son came up with me to birmingham every day on the train.他儿子每天跟我坐火车去伯明翰。on ** also an adverb.he showed h** ticket to the conductor and got on.他向检票员出示了车票,然后上了车。14. prep(写或印刷)在…上 if there ** something on a piece of **, it has been written or printed there. the writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat...这张卡片的背面写满了密密麻麻但却十分工整的字。the numbers she put on the chart were 98.4, 64, and 105...她在图表上写的数字是98.4,64和105。how does a poem change when you read it out loud as opposed to it being on the page?将写在纸上的诗大声读出来会有怎样的不同?15. prep在(名单)上;包括在…内 if something ** on a l**t, it ** included in it. i've seen your name on the l**t of deportees...我看见你的名字在被驱逐出境者名单之列。the queen now doesn't even appear on the l**t of the 40 richest people in britain.如今女王甚至连英国首富榜的前40名都挤不进去。...the range of topics on the agenda for their talks.他们会谈日程表上的议题范围16. prep(书、讨论或观点)关于,涉及 books, d**cussions, or ideas on a particular subject are concerned with that subject. the longest chapter in almost any book on baby care ** on feeding... 几乎所有关于婴儿护理的书籍中内容最多的一章都是喂养。they offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters...他们提供免费咨询服务,给予法律问题的援助和建议。he declined to give any **rmation on the presidential election...他拒绝透露任何有关**选举的消息。17. prep以,凭,靠(某一方法、原则或系统) you use on to introduce the method, principle, or system which ** used to do something. ...a telev**ion that we bought on credit two months ago.我们两个月前赊购的电视机...a levelling system which acts on the same principle as a spirit level...工作原理与气泡水准仪相同的水准测量系统they want all groups to be treated on an equal bas**.他们希望所有团体都能得到一视同仁的对待。18. prep通过,借助于(某一器械或机器) if something ** done on an instrument or a machine, it ** done using that instrument or machine. ...songs that i could just sit down and play on the piano...我坐下来就可以在钢琴上弹出的歌曲i could do all my work on the computer...我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。she sewed the dresses on the sewing machine.她用缝纫机缝制了这些裙子。19. prep以…方式(储存信息) if **rmation **, for example, on tape or on computer, that ** the way that it ** stored. 'i thought it was a load of rubb**h.' — 'right we've got that on tape.'...“我觉得那是一派胡言。”——“没错,我们已经把它录在磁带上了。”descriptions of the pieces h**e been logged on computer by the art loss reg**ter...艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。a special version of 'casablanca' ** being released on video to commemorate the film's 50th birthday.为纪念该片上映50周年,准备发行《北非谍影》的特别版录像带。20. prep在(广播或电视)上播出 if something ** being broadcast, you can say that it ** on the radio or telev**ion. every sporting event on telev**ion and satellite over the next seven days ** l**ted...未来7天通过电视和卫星转播的每一项体育赛事都列在节目预告单上。here, l**ten, they're talking about it on radio-par** right now.嘿,听,巴黎电台正在谈论这事呢。on ** also an adjective....**agers complaining there's nothing good on.抱怨没有好节目看的青少年21. adj正在发生的 when an activity ** taking place, you can say that it ** on . there's a marvellous match on at wimbledon at the moment...此刻在温布尔登正进行着一场精彩的比赛。every year they put a play on at saint holy cross church...他们每年在圣十字教堂上演一出剧目。we in berlin hardly knew a war was on during the early part of 1941.我们身处柏林的人在1941年初几乎感受不到正在打仗。22. adv(表示某人忙碌程度)忙得很/没什么可忙 you use on in expressions such as 'h**e a lot on' and 'not h**e very much on' to indicate how busy someone **. i h**e a lot on in the next week.我下周特别忙。23. prep(引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中 you use on to introduce an activity that someone ** doing, particularly tr**elling. i've always wanted to go on a cru**e... 我一直想坐游轮旅游。they look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip...他们漫步于阳光下购物,看上去悠然惬意。students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored...全日制学生通常都得到资助。24. adv(机器、电灯等)开着,工作着,使用中 when something such as a machine or an electric light ** on, it ** functioning or in use. when you switch it on, it starts functioning. the light was on and the door was open... 灯亮着,门也敞开着。the central heating's been turned off. i've turned it on again...中央供暖系统已经关上。我又将它打开了。the light had been left on...灯没有关。25. prep是…的成员;供职于 if you are on a committee or council, you are a member of it. claire and beryl were on the organizing committee...克莱尔和贝丽尔是组委会成员。he was on the council of foreign relations.他任职于外交关系委员会。26. prep在(某一日子或日期)(发生) you can indicate when something happens by saying that it happens on a particular day or date. th** year's event will take place on june 19th, a week earlier than usual... 今年的活动将于6月19日举行,比往年提前一周。she tr**els to korea on monday...她周一前往韩国。i was born on chr**tmas day...我出生在圣诞节那天。27. prep在…后立即;一…就 you use on when mentioning an event that was followed by another one. she waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from london...她在宾馆里等候,准备第一时间迎接孩子们从伦敦过来。on reaching dubai the evacuees are taken straight to dubai international airport.撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。28. adv(继续)下去 you use on to say that someone ** continuing to do something. they walked on in silence for a while...他们继续默默无语地走了一会儿。if the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health, read on...要是审查表明你们公司的运营状况基本良好,请继续往下读。he happened to be in england when the war broke out and he just stayed on.战争爆发时他碰巧在英格兰,于是就留在那里了。29. adv不停地(数落、抱怨、纠缠) if you say that someone goes on at you, you mean that they continually criticize you, complain to you, or ask you to do something. she's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables... 她缠了我好几个星期了,要我带她去马厩看看。he used to keep on at me about the need to win...他以前总是跟我唠叨必须获胜才行。he'll go on at me for telling...他会因为我嘴快而没完没了地数落我。30. adv从…时候起;自…以后 you use on in expressions such as from now on and from then on to indicate that something starts to happen at the time mentioned and continues to happen afterwards. perhaps it would be best not to see much of you from now on...也许从现在起我们最好少见面。we can expect trouble from th** moment on...从此刻起,我们将会麻烦缠身。morr**on took the news badly and from then on h** spirits noticeably sagged.这消息对莫里森打击很大,从那以后,他明显萎靡不振。31. adv(常用在副词early,late,far及其比较级之后,尤置于句首、句尾或介词之前) you often use on after the adverbs 'early', 'late', 'far', and their comparative forms, especially at the beginning or end of a sentence, or before a preposition. the market square ** a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning...从大清早起这个市集广场就色彩缤纷,生机勃勃。later on i learned how to read music...后来我学会了识谱。the pub where i had arranged to meet nobby was a good five minutes walk further on.我约诺比见面的那家酒馆至少得再走5分钟才到。 20210311

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    export 英[ˈekspɔ:t] 美[ˈekspɔ:rt] vt. 口,输出; vt. ,输思想或活动); n. 输出,出口; 输出[出口]物; 用法参考如下:[例句]the nation also exports beef.该国也出口牛肉。he did th** to promote american exports.他这么做是为了推广美...
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    1zoom是一个动词,意思是快速移动、迅速向前和猛涨,词形是拟声词。1该信息非法爬取自百度经验2用法示例:you can zoom in and out of the contents of the report page.3句子释义为你可以放大或缩小报告页的内容。end
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  • cash flow return on investment (cfroi)是什么意思呢?
    • 2024-09-27 11:14:04
    • 提问者: 未知
    cash flow return on investment (cfroi)投资的现金流回报估值模型,假设股票市场根据现金流,而不是企业表现及盈利设定价格现金流‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾运用资本的市场价值

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