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0725 2024-06-25 14:36:51
handan, hebei university of engineering, hirotami court room 605 - my second home. left the happy and warm family of three, left the father and mother came to the university, let me once again realize that "home" the meaning of the word, i shall feel the affection of friendship stronger. in our happy little nest with six family members: are always lively and cheerful passion infinitely small micro than boys ** also generous attempts of the cnr, the traditional classical but just good big s**ter, good humor, humorous, simple and honest love of laughter the to send the, of course, i was always laughing and joking the radiant. we h**e a similar personality, we h**e a common dream, but we h**e the same genuine enthusiasm heart. i feel that god put us together when the six individuals to our fate, but also our great happiness. our home ** small, but actually a small room filled with thick truth. i no longer live in a house suspected of six individuals too crowded, i no longer suspected of dormitory beds are too small, i will not too tired on the six floor, i am not going too ... all of th**, simply because there ** you. in th** cottage garden there ** too much of our joy, too much moved, too many memories. ** that you make me fall in love with th** home, fell in love with the hebei university of engineering, fell in love with th** ancient city of handan. remember 11 holiday, you are elated over the national day to celebrate the festival to go home, i am the only one to stay here. i know that you could not bear to me, i know you do not trust a person, but you had to go back, because, in the d**tance of your mom and dad are brothers and s**ters. those eight days, without you, i h**e far fewer joy, but also the eight days, i really realized how important you in my heart, aware of the bedroom a month how much of life for the establ**hment of deep feelings. really, when you really好想,好想好想... aftertaste you h**e everyone's mantra. small micro's "wat sai !--", cnr's" ai you !--", be properly "can not ah !@--", to send the the" my god! - "oh ... you really ** the world's most beloved family again. although those days you are not me, but i eat every time, you will give me **rmation, to remind me to eat, for fear i a bad person to take care of themselves, when really touched my heart warm. mid-autumn festival, although not accompanied by relatives, there ** no high-level cakes, but there you concerned about, with your blessing, it has been sufficient. you make me feel, it has been completely unknown in handan city, i am no longer a human being. it can be said, with you, the greatest happiness of my life. after the holiday period, once again to see you, we are passionate embrace, telling each other's thoughts, all th** make me even more value th** type of affection, friendship, even more treasured home. happiness ** very short, sometimes with wings to fly, four years time, rush dies, i think, four years later, i can sense the city ** your biggest, so i h**e to cher**h every living side by side with you now one point for each second, each of these in a warm and cher**h each and every touched. brothers, i love you, memories of the six individuals will be my life's most precious asset, 605 - will be my heart forever home. life because of you and the beauty of the world because of you and wonderful. always someone asked me, "why are you always so happy?" and all my happiness, just because i feel that i am the happiest person in the world, and th** happiness, but it ** that you give. hehe ... i remember us up late, and then rushed out of, but also always pretended to be the last one locked room; remember our enthusiasm to account for the r**ing seat, just want to be able to sit front row of the high number of classes; remember to join us upstairs, all with a key, but said did not want to open the door; remember that when we mixed the story that china and south korea, others get a good alternative, while we laugh rock with laughter; remember that when we row in the dormitory, but was to send the tape-recorded, the results h**e been beat; remember that when we talk about dinner drink their minds; remember that when we go k songs, two microphones were looted six people robbed; remember that when we come back together later, but also pretended to meetings; remember that we clearly face to face, still in our proprietary base ri another pile of rocks chen, remember ...... oh, and our proprietary language, cellular phones, a small colombian small, marshal, xiaoshuai, big brother, little brother, cabbage, cauliflower, kazakhstan, as well as o brother ...... with you, really good fun, take things too hard heart difficulty, ~! ! ! home, ** called a home, ** due to the presence of family members. i believe that we h**e 605 rooms must be the world's most well-being of the most warm home. even if one day, that the house no longer belongs to us, you will also be my family life, where our memories, where happiness ** to be wiped away ~! of the kids, i love you ing我是按照lz的格式翻译的,你看看满意否。(悬赏0分。。。) 20210311

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