since the eighties of the 20th century, non-performing loans of the bank increased in a large amount, sent period frequently in global financial cr****. of our country bank loan break a contract on th...
as the owner of a company,the shareholders shall enjoy the legal rights stipulated by laws,admin**trative regulations and the company''s articles of association.a l**ted company shall establ**h a corp...
table 1 shows ceo age, the percentage of the ceos’ ownership of equity and stock options outstanding in the firm, and their voting power. 表格1显示了首席执行官(ceo)的年龄,ceo拥有资产的百比 以及 在公司里突出的股票购置权 还有 他们的投票权利。ceos...
(2)percentage of total compensation that ** equity-based,and (2)以股本为基础的赔偿总额的百分比 (3)percentage of total compensation in salary plus bonus. 对于 工资和奖金总和的 赔偿的百分比 total compensation ** the sum of the dollar...
private hospital financial r**k control in the rapid development of china 's health services,private hospitals quickly become a new development model,along with the deepening of the reform of health c...