哪位知道eminem的《the way i am》歌词的中文意思。

大众点评结婚指南 2024-06-15 23:34:31
chorus: eminem and i am, whatever you say i am不管你们怎么说 我就是我 if i wasn't, then why would i say i am?如果不是这样 我也没必要说 in the **, the news everyday i am报纸上每天都有我的新闻 radio won't even play my jam电台甚至不播我的歌曲 cause i am, whatever you say i am因为不管你们怎么说 我就是我 if i wasn't, then why would i say i am?如果不是这样 我也没必要说 in the **, the news everyday i am报纸上每天都有我的新闻 i don't know it's just the way i am我不知道 也许这就是我的方式 sometimes i just feel like my father, i hate to be bothered有时我觉得我就像我父亲 我讨厌被打扰 with all of th** nonsense it's constant尤其是不断地 例如这样的废话 and, "oh, it's h** lyrical content -“哦,这是他充满感情的歌词 - the song 'guilty conscience' has gotten such rotten responses"那首反响很糟糕。” and all of th** controversy circles me所有这样的争论围绕着我 and it seems like the media immediately好像媒体 points a finger at me (finger at me)..把矛头都指向我 so i point one back at 'em, but not the index or pinkie所以我用一根指头回敬他们 不是食指或小拇指 or the ring or the thumb, it's the one you put up不是无名指或大拇指 就是这根指头 when you don't give a fuck, when you won't just put up你不去理会的时候 可以不用竖起 with the bull** they pull, cause they full of ** too他们做出这些事 因为他们吃了屎 when a dude's gettin bullied and shoots up h** school当一个家伙受尽欺辱 开枪攻击他的学校的时候 and they blame it on marilyn (on marilyn).. and the **这些人把责任推给mason和** where were the parents at? and look where it's at但是家长们在哪 看看在哪 middle america, now it's a tragedy美国的中部 上演了一场悲剧 now it's so sad to see, an upper class ci-ty悲惨的场面 在一个上流社会 h**in th** happenin (th** happenin)..发生了这样的事 then attack eminem cause i rap th** way (rap th** way)..然后他们攻击eminem 因为我说唱的歌词 but i'm glad cause they feed me the fuel that i need for the fire 但是我很高兴 他们给了我燃料 我正需要火苗 to burn and it's burnin and i h**e returned燃烧 燃烧 然后我又重新回来 chorus i'm so sick and tired of bein admired我厌倦了被人羡慕 that i w**h that i would just die or get fired我恨不得就这样死去 或者被火烧死 and dropped from my label and stop with the fables关闭我的厂牌 让谎言停止 i'm not gonna be able to top on "my name **.."我无法再超越"我的名字是。。。" and pigeon-holed into some pop-py sensation我被认为是**嫌疑犯 to cop me rotation at rock'n'roll stations在摇滚舞台上就把我抓起来 and i just do not got the patience (got the patience)..我实在无法耐心地 to deal with these cocky caucasians who think面对这些的白种人 i'm some wigger who just tries to be black cause i talk 说什么我试图成为一个坏人 with an accent, and grab on my balls, so they always keep askin 因为我说话的腔调 和抓**的动作 the same fuckin questions (fuckin questions)..所以他们又问了一遍相同的问题 what school did i go to, what hood i grew up in我在哪出生 上的什么学 the why, the who what when, the where, and the how因为什么 和谁 做什么 什么时候 在哪儿 什么情况 'til i'm grabbin my hair and i'm tearin it out直到我恨不得把头发抓下来 cause they drivin me crazy (drivin me crazy).. i can't take it 因为他们快要让我疯狂 我实在无法忍受 i'm racin, i'm pacin, i stand and i sit我只有使劲地猛跑 然后缓步 站住 再坐下来 and i'm thankful for ev-ery fan that i get我感谢每一位歌迷的支持 but i can't take a **, in the bathroom但是在洗手间里 我无法正常大便 without someone standin by it因为总有人站在一旁 no i won't sign your autograph不 我不会给你签名 you can call me an asshole i'm glad你可以骂我‘贱’, 我很高兴 20210311

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