
Tina.? 2024-06-04 14:07:34
"the pursuit of happyness" 我很喜欢《当幸福来敲门》这部电影,电影一开始灾难就一件接一件的砸向主人公,gardner的身上,似乎在诉说着伴随着厄运的总是厄运,但是我们的主人公并未放弃,一直在不停的奋斗,即使生活在社会的最底层只要有希望,我们的主人公就不放弃,在成为一个金融经理人之前,作为一个以卖医疗器械为生的小贩出场,不能说他是一个商人,因为他全指望那一台医疗机械的卖出来维持生活,虽然生活贫苦,可是这样也没能打到他在应聘金融经理人的时候他付出的努力不是常人可以比拟的,他放弃了一切时间,就是在不停地播出电话,不停地寻找客户,以此来证明自己的实力,并最终如愿以偿,得到了自己梦寐以求的职位,从中可以看出,人只要努力,不停下自己的脚步,梦想离我们并不远,伸出手我们就可以触到自己的梦想。 i like "the pursuit of happyness" movie, d**aster movie started one after the pound on the hero, gardner's body seemed to tell the bad luck ** always accompanied by bad luck, but our hero and did not give up the struggle has been non-stop, even if living in the bottom of society we h**e that, our hero will not give up, becoming a financial manager before, as a hawker selling medical equipment for a living playing, can not say he ** a businessman, because he expected all the medical machinery, which sets out a living selling, though living in poverty, but it failed to hit h** candidates when he was finance manager effort ** not an ordinary person can not reach him give up all the time, ** constantly broadcast phone, constantly looking for customers, in order to prove their strength, and eventually got h** w**h, get their dream job, from which you can see, as long as efforts to keep under their own pace, dream not far from us, we can reach out and touch their dreams. 20210311

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