是翻译成英文吗?如果是的话就是这样的th** article outlines the formation of th** financial cr****, and the financial cr**** causes the formation of a detailed analys** and a brief expressing h** own point of view. analy...
“market over mao” 是一本书,主张**经济的发展不是像许多人认为的靠**政策推动的,而是市场的力量。本书也提供证据说明**未来的发展也是靠市场而不是**推动的,私企在这方面扮演重要的角色;它们是经济发展和创造就业机会的主要来源。本书两个作者,nicholas r. lardy 是研究**经济的专家; richard mcgregor 是金融时报北京分社的社长。mao 当然是指**,...
we went to central d**trict by bus after setting off from hotel, where we can shopping and tour the building of the bank of china;at noon we ate some snack, such as ha gao and siu mai;in the afternoon...
l**ted banks came out at the top of a competitiveness ranking l**t compiled recently by chinese econom**ts,beating their state-owned he**yweight peers despite their massive ...