the value of assets, the international financial reporting standards, new accounting standards of l**ted companiesaccounting theory sector, enterpr**e managersglobal economic integration《enterpr**e accounting standards no. 8 - impairment of assets》international financial reporting standards 20210311
finance的英文定义:作名词n.1.the commercial activity of providing funds and capital2.the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets3.the management of money and credit and bankin...
1. a related and popular area ** credit derivatives which might involve selling an option which pays off when a defaults on one of its debt obligations.一个相关的热门领域是信用衍生产品。它可能会涉及到卖出一份当某个债权被拖欠时可以偿付(期权所有者)...
这个句子体现了汉语和英语在定语上的典型区别:汉语中,定语一般在所修饰的名词前边,而英语中的定语大多在名词后,尤其是短语和从句充当定语的时候。所以,翻译时要将英语中的后置定语放到名词前,以满足中文的习惯。本句的理解和翻译的关键在于把握好句中众多的定语的修饰关系。层层展开分析如下:some people also define futures as contracts 是主句,译为:有些人也把期货定义...
即付:xx元 promptcash rmb xx 计人民币:xx元 rmb in total:rmb xx 对方科目编号:the other party's symbolization of accounts 领款人:beneficiaries 会计主管人员 accountant in charge 出纳员付讫 cashier paid