the united states ** on-line with the merger of the time warner ** adopt a way for change:on-line shareholder in the united states adopt 1: 1 of the compar**on change a stock of buy the new company;th...
since it ** difficult to 由于很难 ascertain the exact timing and the true impact of these liberalization 确定确切的时间和这些自由的真正影响 efforts 努力 on the respective financial markets of these countries,we conduct sub-...
**对文化产业的财政扶植力度不断加强。정부의 문화산업에 대한 재정육성역량이 부단히 강화되고 있다. 韩国**对文化产业的财政支持力度逐年加大,在2000年文化事业财政预算首次突破**总预算的1%,文化产业预算由1998年的168亿元增加到2003年的1878亿元,占文化事业总预算的比例由3.5%增长到约17.9%...
1.micro-credit in rural credit cooperatives to run a successful business ** not only the development of rural credit cooperatives to become a real**tic option, at the same time poverty has become a ma...
university students, as an important part of social groups, of whose growth concerns the process of national development. it has been said that university students, born in the 80s and 90s, are genera...