谁能翻译一下? 摘要 互联网的出现和兴起引发的技术创新极大的改变了保险业,保险和电子商务的结合也成为

H像冬天的可可 2024-06-26 21:17:16
abstract the advent of the internet and technological innovation great changes caused by the r**e of the insurance industry, insurance and integration of e - commerce has become an inevitable trend and insurance e - business e - commerce application in the field of insurance forms, ** a combination of the internet and insurance at th** stage being from the ground level as the development and improvement of high - level compared with european and american countries e - commerce development trend and basic improvement in the insurance, the background of china's technical background organization, business model, strengthen operation of e - commerce and network transaction payment security, the law ** not perfect, lack of honesty and so on, although these years of e - commerce in the development of china's insurance industry ** obviously, but china's insurance market ** significantly lower than the global **erage proportion of the total premium income. th** ** analyses of insurance e - commerce development in china and abroad, ** facing the problem of how to solve order to better through foreign experience and compar**on of the ex**ting mode of development and ex**ting problems. analys** of development trend of foreign insurance e - commerce, and put forward the relevant policies for the development of china's insurance industry, and insurance e - commerce so as to better improve china's constitution. key words of e - commerce insurance of inspiration 20210311

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