
武宁联盛【老凤祥】 2024-06-04 01:15:18
since the term l**ted companies into the line of sight of people, all kinds of accounting fraud of l**ted companies will emerge in endlessly, outside the top ten companies financial fraud, with enron and yinguangxia irregularities. for america and china, the l**ted company's fraud losses and bad influence ** indelible. it ** not only to the creditors, investors and national caused serious damage, also has a severe damage on the country's economic order. at the same time the development of the country's capital market ** also a serious impact. the article analyses the reason of accounting fraud of l**ted companies, and put forward the targeted countermeasures, hoping to help to the problem of accounting fraud.key words: the l**ted company; accounting fraud; roots; countermeasures直译的,会有点偏差,没办法了 20210311

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    • 2024-06-04 09:29:09
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    说明:稍作了改动,实习企业性质、地点没必要,自我评价 selfevaluation: 严谨务实,以诚待人队协作能力强;英语听说读写能力强; 充满热情,吃苦耐劳,工作上有较强的管理和动手能力且有较强学习能力;敢于面对挑战,具有良好的适应性和做事情认真负责。rigorous and ...
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    may see from the venture capital operation mechan**m, the venture capital withdrawal mechan**m has the pivotal function to the venture capital final success or failure. but affects one of chinese vent...
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    你文章中的organization我暂定翻译为<组织>,你可以自己选择替换没有利润的长期目标 在缺乏道德约束或法律授权的情况下,组织将不会与无利可图的部分客户保持长期的合作关系,即使组织的需求能够得到这些不盈利客户提供的服务。这种情况是当这些客户没有足够盈利来继续发展营销,也就无法支付服务的成本,或当他们预计的收入不够支付服务的进行和维护。例如,据银行业估计,如果一个银行的40%...
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