
熟悉de陌生人 2024-06-24 20:42:57
end of the 20th century beginning of the 21st century, there has been concern about the rapid economic development in the meantime, h**e not lost sight of the quality of life research. a single economic growth and can not represent the improved quality of life, both at home and abroad for the quality of life as in-depth and comprehensive study, people evaluate the quality of life point of view and methods of reaching out to sociology, psychology, medicine and even philosophy, etc. level subjects, showing a trend to flour**h. th** article from the perspective of stat**tical evaluation study of the impact of building a quality of life of residents in china at th** stage of the stat**tical indicator system, indicator data collection, mainly from the "china stat**tical yearbook -2008," more authority and accuracy. in the choice of stat**tical methods used in multivariate stat**tical analys** methods of principal component analys**, th** method not only simplified, to the purpose of dimensionality reduction, but also from a comprehensive evaluation of the whole, so the quality of life for the residents to stat**tical analys**. in the choice of stat**tical software, the selected software spss16.0. spss16.0 software through the principal component analys** of the results of the interpretation and evaluation, to the relevant policy recommendations. 20210311

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