
法学系大斌 2024-06-02 20:05:49
the two americas as seen from detroit从底特律看到的两个美国bill moyers比尔.莫耶斯if you were searching for the mood of america during the republican national convention, you first had to ask: “which america?”如果你正在以开共和党全国代表大会时期的情绪搜寻美国,你必须先问:“是哪一个美国?”the delegates to th** convention were one america. predominantly white, male, protestant, of western european stock, they represented business and professional interests. four out of five earned more than dollars 25,000 a year, two out of five earned more than dollars 50,000 a year, 3 per cent were jews, 3 per cent black, 22 per cent catholic, and one fifth of 1 per cent (four out of the 1,994 delegates) were union officials.本公约的代表是一个美国。以西欧血统的男性白人,并且是新耶酥教徒,作为商业和专业领域的代表。他们当中有4/5年收入超过25,000美元,2/5年收入超过50,000美元,百分之三为犹太人,百分之三为黑人,百分之二十二是**教徒,百分之0.2是工会官员。they h**e made it in america. they are comfortable and successful. they could afford the single egg that costs dollars 1.75 in the breakfast lounge on the promenade of the detroit plaza hotel. or they could dine in the rooftop café where, says the advert**ement, “the world does revolve around you.”他们组成了美国,他们事业成功并且生活舒适。他们可以负担在底特律大酒店单个鸡蛋1.75美元的早餐费用。他们也可以在有天台的咖啡馆用餐,并且说着诸如“这个世界是围绕着你转的。”这样的广告词。a few blocks from the hotel ** another america.距离酒店只有几个街区的地方是另一个美国。it ** wo**ng class, integrated, mortgaged, and worried. its wage earners are out of work. millions are jobless across the country, but in detroit the rate of unemployment ** twice the national **erage. so many people h**e been laid off that dozens of extra unemployment offices h**e had to be opened.i walked the unemployment lines the other day to talk to th** america. it ** depressed, pained and bewildered. but not selfpitying.这里属于整合着抵押与担心的工人阶级。他们是失去工作的打工仔。全国有数百万人失业,但底特律的失业率是全国平均水平的两倍。太多的失业人群来到失业办事处使得那些额外的办事处不得不重新开业接待他们。有一天我走在这些失业大军之中跟他们讨论这样的美国。充斥而来不是自我怜悯,而的是失望,痛苦和困惑。“all i want ** my job back,” a black woman, about 30, said to me. “i want to get out of th** line and back on the assembly line.” she lost her job at ford almost nine months ago. she had applied in vain for 25 other jobs.a white woman in her 50s had been standing in one line for an hour, holding her 10-year-old grandson by the hand. “i h**e been wo**ng all my life and th** ** the first time i’ve ever been laid off,” she said. “i don’t like h**ing to get a handout from the **. i want to work.”“我只是想要回我的工作,”一个大约30岁左右的黑人女人对我说,“我想要摆脱失业大军的头衔回到一个工作者的状态中。”9个月前,她失去了她在福特的工作。她曾申请另外25个工作落空。一个大约50岁左右的白人妇女牵着她的孙子在统一个地方站了1个小时。“我已经工作了大半辈子,这是我第一次失业,”她说,“我不想从**那个得到施舍,我要工作。”a couple stood behind her--hu**and and wife, both auto workers, both out of work, both in their 50s. “it ** not so bad for us,” the woman said. “my hu**and can tinker with odd jobs around the nei**orhood and pick up a few dollars to go with relief, but it’s hard on our two sons. one’s been laid off and the other ** about to be.” 有一对夫妻站在她的后面,他们50岁左右,是两个失业的汽车工人。“这对我们而言并不坏,”这个女人说,“我的丈夫可以帮周围的邻居做做修补顺便打打零工,拿个几美元的救助,可是对我们的两个儿子而言,这些就太难以维持了。他们一个已经失业,另一个也即将面临事业。” 20210311

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