
Derry最威武 2024-06-26 13:25:43
the perfect commercial bank internal control ** very important, must the spot internal control take accountant the most important. article the question which internal control's importance as well as current commercial bank accountant in the internal control ex**ts to commercial bank accountant has carried on the analys**, and on the establ**hment and consummation commercial bank accountant the internal control mechan**m, guarded against accountant the spot r**k to carry on the preliminary d**cussion. the banking industry financial organ ** the profession which and the unit a high r**k and the burst character**tics event are extremely easy to appear, controls from the inside system's construction and the execution ** **oids and guards against the high r**k, the burst character**tics event's effective action and the important guarantee effectively, ** achieves the predetermined developmental strategy goal and the sustainable development foundation, therefore strengthens with the consummation internal control ** very important, sets up the new organization and sets up the new service to probably control from the inside advance. the accounting event takes the bank the traditional service, develops and innovation today in the banking industry appears unceasingly especially important. strengthens accountant the r**k the recognition and the control, guards against and melts the bank r**k to become various bank effectively the mutual recognition. 20210311

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