
王先森的小霸王 2024-06-10 01:38:54
myself had to hand over the graduation thes**, section needed chinaand britain to compare, because myself engl**h proficiency waslimited, asked the masters to help brothers, brothers once more manythanks! ! ! full text as follows: how realizes our country state-owned commercial bank's r**k guard, thequestion which ** which our country finance industry current facesurgent needs to solve. th** article from the leg**lation angle,elaborated the our country state-owned commercial bank r**k guardrelated question. th** article mainly includes following threeaspects: (1) from the bank r**k concept and the character**tic, the bank r**kclassification, the bank r**k production these three aspects, knowsthe related bank r**k th** finance phenomenon. (2) through searches to our country commercial bank r**k rootanalyzes, knows our country commercial bank r**k the particularity. (3) regarding our country bank r**k guard, proposes some tentativeplans from the leg**lation angle. explained our country bank r**k theleg**lation guard should achieve goal. according to the commercialbank superv**ing and managing legal system present situation and theex**tence question, specifically proposed some ** perfect and theperfect superv**ing and managing legal system aspect ponder and thesuggestion. key word: financial r**k, financial guard, financial leg**lation 20210311

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    • 2024-06-10 03:07:34
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