
绿茶丷等2188.9W人 2024-06-24 10:25:04
abstract,the short-term operation ** a common transactional model in china's a-share market.however,in general, most of the investors are not content with the effects of the short-term operation.in order to improving the success ratio and the profit effect of the short-term operation,the ** attempts to analyzing and summarizing the basic methods of the short-term operation:affected by the macroeconomy,the ** policy,the trend of the index running,the running conditions of the individual share and so on,when the short-term operation comes to the actual combat,the leading gainers,the hot plate and the oversold shares should be intensively chose.at the same time,further analys** should be made in choosing the fundamental plane and the technological side of the individual share,besides,more attention should be paid in analyzing the k diagram and the time trend of the individual share.and ingeniously using the transaction price principle,well controlling the operating state of mind.keywords,short-term operation, a-share market,indent arrangement,high-volume breakthrough.希望能帮上你! 20210311

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