
七七 2024-06-17 17:29:27
china's rural ex**tence form of non-formal finance and status. the so-called **rmal finance refers to financial institutions non-statutory indirect financing and provided personal or between individuals and enterpr**es, the direct financing between its activities usually without ** approval or not been involved in the financial regulatory system. at present mainly include folk lending, and will, folk funds, rural cooperative foundation, small loans, guarantee agencies for small and middle-sized enterpr**es such organizational forms. rural **rmal finance ** imperfect legal norms, narrow business objects, loan program simple, loan conditions loose, **rmation symmetry character**tics such as strong. in china's rural economic development, the rural credit supply of non-formal finance of financial system share amount with regular financial quite, ** china's financial system ind**pensable important component. 2. rural basic theory of non-formal finance and development mechan**m. rural of non-formal finance generation basically because our country rural capital supply and demand structure imbalance, while our country rural regular financial development, incomplete, farmers can't get resolved, the effective demand of non-regular finance has not possess the formal financial advantage. rural **rmal financial conform to the requirements of the development of rural economy generated and development. financial inhibition theory and financial deepening theory reveals the ex**ting rural basic theory of non-regular finance. china's rural development of non-regular finance organizations are mainly institutional change mechan**m of failure mechan**m and the mechan**m. both mechan**ms coex**t, which the country's **rmal financial organization in developing improvement, the adaptation of social and economic needs. 3. countries agriculture development and non-formal finance for reference. through to the united states, germany, japan, india four countries, the development of non-formal finance analys** to our country's development of non-formal finance h**e enlightenment function, or introducing competition mechan**m, and promoting the common development of the various financial organization. 4. our country in developing of non-formal finance problems. at present, our country rural of non-formal finance problems in development are mainly to laws and regulations, improve operation impeded, internal organization mode ** not standard lead to management defect, external superv**ion of poor farmers' rights that damaged and lending subject and commitment shall subject incons**tent problem. 5. the healthy development of china's rural countermeasures of non-regular finance. according to china's rural problems of non-formal finance, suggest moderate scale, maintain its sustainable development in financial operation system, perfecting regulations system and forming standardized system platform, also stipulate internal management system, the model of the development of a regular, encourage the establ**hment of rural credit network non-regular finance and regular financial cooperation. 20210311

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