will buy 肯定会买,已经决定要买了,还没有购买 want to buy 想要买,只是一个想买的意愿举例一:i will buy one simply to end the ceaseless negotiations over screen time with my daughter.为了不再为屏幕时间与女儿进行无休止的'谈判',我肯定会买一台。举例二:and it wil...
52-week highs52周新高双语对照例句:1.skeptics also note that it **n't that surpr**ing for stocks to hit 52-week highsafter being down so he**ily a year ago. 怀疑者还指出,由于一年前股市的跌幅实在深,如今各种股票纷纷触及52周高位并不让人意外。2.even...
deal with的中文意636f707962616964757a686964616f31333431336130思是:应付;对待;惠顾;与…交易。例句: 1、people usually complain about h**ing to deal with too much bureaucracy. 翻译:人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。2、we h**e to deal with th*...