deal with的中文意636f707962616964757a686964616f31333431336130思是:应付;对待;惠顾;与…交易。例句: 1、people usually complain about h**ing to deal with too much bureaucracy. 翻译:人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。2、we h**e to deal with th** problem correctly. 翻译... 20210311
catch up 1.赶上 2.产生料到的坏影响),造成(意料中的坏结 3.逮捕人),发现(或查明)(以便处罚或逮 例句:1.must run some to catch up 必须快跑才能赶上 2.she couldn't go to school for a few weeks because of an illness,but she'll be able to catch...