给您一份能看明白的中文翻译: 22.1-no termination of th** agreement shall extingu**h,modify or otherw**e effect any change in the rights or obligations of either party hereto relating to transactions occurring prior...
in charge of amounting to 13 scientific research projects,including fund project of multiple national natural science,spa**ng plan project of guangdong province,group's research project of natural sc.
贸易全球化进程的推进,以及08年9月以来金融危机,使得贸易保护主义有抬头趋势。印度、南非、阿根廷等发展**家多数采取传统手段,多次对我国出口产品展开反倾销调查,欧美等发达**则通过形形**的绿色贸易壁垒、技术贸易壁垒等对我国出口产品设限。频繁的贸易摩擦不仅使我国企业蒙受了巨额损失,而且也在一定程度上破坏了“**制造”的国际形象。with the propelling globalization o...
the investment of insurance fund in security market broadens the application channels and the scope of insurance fund, helping increase the investment efficiency. and th** injects substantial funds to...
topic our country promotes problem analys** abstract which the stock index stock the ex**ting condition and urgently awaits to be solved along with the stock market scale to expand and institutional i...
monsieurje su** vraiment désolé que je ne peux pas vous aider, et que nous pouvons bien comprendre votre difficulté.ma** en même temps, nous espérons que vous pu**siez comprendre également notre diffi...