
lone wolf 2024-06-05 01:41:23
1.environment protection ** the most important socio-economic **sue which concerned by people all of the world,but also a major research of science and technology field.environmental science ** a comprehensive science formed during the modern socio-economic and scientific development.in the range of the world, environmental science has become almost a science in recent two to three decades.2.despite the substantial depreciation of the u.s. exports to china increased by pressure, but will continue to maintain the stability of the rmb exchange rate.the chinese ** prom**ed not to devalue the yuan, which stablited the asian economy and finance will play a positive role. has also been pra**ed by the international community, china has paid a he**y price.3.from the current educational system, there are some d**advantages of personneltraining in china.basic education has become overly dependent on the transm**sion only and neglectedthe interest and skills training and other non-mental character. therefore, there must be some change to speed up the examination-oriented education to quality education. 20210311

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