
℡聖女果?女孩 2024-06-05 14:15:59
zhou kehua, a 42 years old "classa" wanted suspect who committed h** latest homicide on sunday, shooting a police officer to death, was killed by police, said a cctv morning news report.42岁的周克华,是**甲级通缉犯,上周末时候他开枪**了一名**。目前周克华已经被****。**的早间新闻报道。one of china's most wanted men, suspected of killing nine in eight years, was shot dead by chongqing police early tuesday morning****部头号通缉犯,8年来一共杀死9人的**犯,于周二上午被**chongqing morning news reported that zhou was killed in a leather factory near tongjiaqiao street in shapingba d**trict of chongqing at about 6:50 am. the ** said plainclothes police d**covered zhou early tuesday morning and tailed him. after zhou noticed, the two sides exchanged gunfire. zhou was killed, and some policemen were slightly injured.重庆早间新闻消息说周在沙坪区童家桥的一家皮革厂附近被****,时间在早晨6点50。**部发布的消息称,便衣**发现了周并尾随;之后周发现被跟踪,于是双方发生交火,周在交火中被**,数名**受轻伤。zhou was known to target people withdrawing money at the bank. he also killed one woman and injured two others outside a bank in shapingba d**trict last friday.周数度对到银行取钱的人下**劫。上周五他在沙坪区一家银行外杀死一名妇女,并造成另外两人受伤。following h** crimes last week, chongqing police d**patched thousands for a citywide hunt in the city and prom**ed a reward of 500,000 yuan ($78,000) to anyone who comes up with tips leading to h** capture, dead or alive.鉴于上周的持枪**案,重庆警方派遣了数万名**进行全城大搜捕,并悬赏50万元。since 2004, zhou kehua ** suspected of being involved in a series of robberies and shootings (see details). the total volume of rewards offered across the nation for zhou's capture surpassed 5 million yuan, according to police.自从2004年以来,周被怀疑跟一系列持枪****案有关。**表示,为了抓捕周,已经花费了五百多万元。 希望对你有帮助! 20210311

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