
MochenDance小天 2024-06-23 21:46:39
你自己再润润色吧from the 20th century, the 1980s business since china resumed, narrow investment channels to the use of insurance funds declined hours and inefficient use of the use of insurance funds, narrow channel, open the problem of the lagging become china's insurance industry need to solve the bottleneck problem. and by the united states, japan, britain and south korea four countries the use of insurance funds to the analys**, we can draw the following conclusions : developed using funds and insurance companies h**e clear channels of diversified character**tics, th** asset allocation arrangements to improve the use of insurance funds yield and maximize the use of funds to ensure safety. we must also look at the insurance funds rational markets directly, only by continuously broaden the use of insurance funds channels open new fields of investment, as much as possible to spread the investment r**ks, and establ**h a flexible and diverse investment portfolio. china ** the use of insurance funds in the future. 20210311

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