跪求帮我翻译下啊 求好心人啊

Queenie慧慧吖 2024-06-17 23:07:06
centralized financial management mode ** that it can the advantages of unified command and arrange finance policy to reduce admin**trative costs to the parent company financial regulation play function, the complete reunification of the group financial goals can play the role of the parent company financial experts, reduce financial r**k and operational r**k subsidiary to unified adjust group fund, reduce the cost of capital. but it also has the obvious defects of financial management authority he**ily focused on the parent company easy to damp down subsidiary operator's enthusiasm, restrain the subsidiary flexibility and creativity to stress on the highly centralized dec**ion-making in the parent company, once dec**ion-making error, enterpr**e group will h**e a great loss. decentral**ed financial management mode. decentral**ed financial management mode ** refers to the subsidiary has full financial management dec**ion-making power, and their subsidiaries in an indirect way of financial system management mainly. subsidiaries in the capital into and threw and use and financial revenues and expenditures, financial personnel hiring and firing, worker wage and welfare and bonuses were fully dec**ion-making power, and according to the market environment and the company itself to make a significant financial dec**ions. decentral**ed financial management mode ** the advantages of quick dec**ion subsidiary, easy to capture business opportunities, increase the chance to create profit, reduced the parent company's dec**ion pressure, reduce the negative effect of direct intervention parent company. its defect performance for a unified command and coordination to group as a whole, did subsidiary, due to pursue their own interests and neglect or even damage the overall interests of the company ** not convenient to play to the parent company financial regulation function, and that the r**k of major **sues and subsidiary. centralization and decentralization of management mode with men extreme centralized affiliates without active flexibility, group financial and business mechan**m inevitable rigid instead, excessive decentralization, also can cause blindly seek individual economic interest subsidiary, and ignore the interests of the whole group. centralization and decentralization combination model of financial management mode stressed proper centralization and decentralization, such already can bring its parent company financial control functions, inspire the enthusiasm and creativity of the subsidiary company, and can effectively control operator and the affiliates r**k. th** model in a certain extent, overcome the defect of too decentralized or centralized, shirt-sleeve centralization and decentralization of the advantage. secondly, establ**h enterpr**e group of financial management mode absence made for cable enterpr**e group financial management, the key ** that financial dec**ion-making authority over centralized and scattered. however, centralization and decentralization ** relative, should be based on the actual situation of the group comprehensive analys** and decide. enterpr**e group establ**hed financial management mode should be considered when the following factors 1. development strategy. for the implementation of the strategic target of the group, the parent company group company usually requires to those core ability, the core business group closely related to the business activities of a subsidiary of the implementation of the height of the unified management and control for those with the core ability, the core business relations h**e no effect on general even members of the enterpr**e, often a decentralized management. all enterpr**e's main business ** closely connected with the assets of the enterpr**e and business group has a pivotal position, they often become group company centralized control of object. general view, group headquarters of the core enterpr**e and holding layer of control was strict enterpr**e in equity participation layer of cooperation enterpr**e. 2. the ownership structure. usually, a holding company financial dec**ion-making authority the concentration degree of the degree of control and its subsidiary company into a positive relationship. if subsidiary ** a business, so holding company in the financial centralization management and the choice of decentralized management h**e a lot of leeway, and because centralized more conducive to holding company overall financial sche**ng, reason often choose the relative concentration of the financial management if, on the other hand, holding company, a subsidiary of the joint venture **, according to the interests of the people and requirements of the joint venture, its financial management authority will be relatively scattered. 3. the enterpr**e culture. holding company financial management of centralization and decentralization in a certain degree of the influence of traditional by company. for example, some enterpr**e for its traditional admin**trative color made special enterpr**e culture, practice also has accumulated "tongshou tongzhi, income and expenses two line" abound financial management methods and character**tics of experience, these will affect future enterpr**e group the establ**hment of financial management mode. 4. competition environment. market competition intensifies, subsidiary of the local market and the change of the business environment reacted swiftly to enterpr**e group has become one of the key reasons for success. th** requires subsidiary has more business autonomy, including more financial management dec**ion-making authority. but along with the internationalization of the economy development, focus on the interests of the financial management dec**ion ** obvious. therefore, the enterpr**e group also according to the market competition, combined with the development of the enterpr**e strategy, management concept and equity structure, rationally divided the mother of the company's financial management authority. 可以吗?? 20210311

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