
陈路 2024-06-21 19:41:03
**烘焙市场:"面包的新语" 2011-01-12 11:14:00 爱思英语编者按:一家新加坡的面包烘焙连锁企业,不仅在新加坡上市,并在数年内风靡**,同时击溃了众多**本土企业,其奥秘何在?让我们来看看吧。bakeries claim a growing niche in china**巨大的烘焙产业发展空间a breadtalk bakery in shanghai. breadtalk, a singapore chain, opened its first outlet in china in 2003 and now has 170 shops in the country.growing up, cherie zhang tended to eat dim sum for breakfast while her parents preferred rice with soup or noodles. today, ms. zhang, 30, who lives in shanghai, regularly gives her 2-year-old son bread or cake for h** breakfast. 随着年龄的长大,张小姐常常用点心来做自己的早餐。而她的父母却喜欢把泡饭和面条作为他们的早点。现在,30岁的张女士住在上海,会时不时给她两岁的儿子买面包或蛋糕,给他当早餐。baked goods are not a staple of a traditional chinese diet, but they h**e been quickly catching up among china's ** middle class during the past 10 years. 爱思英语网烘焙食品一直不是**传统饮食的主流,但过去十年中,在**城市中产阶级中,烘焙食品却很快流行开来。the retail value of baked goods like bread, pastries and cakes sold in china has r**en to an estimated 7.8 billion renminbi, or $1.2 billion, th** year from 3.7 billion renminbi in 2000, according to data from euromonitor international, a market researcher. revenue could grow to 11.1 billion renminbi by 2015. 爱思英语网根据市场调研公司,欧睿信息咨询公司(euromonitor international)的数据,在2000年,**的烘焙食品,如面包,点心和蛋糕,行业的零售额为37亿元人民币,而在2010年,已达到了人民币78亿元,约合12亿美元。公司预计到2015年,这一数字会达到人民币111亿元。爱思英语网per-capita consumption of bakery products in china stood at 4.1 kilograms, or 9 pounds, in 2009, nearly double the 2.1 kilograms per capita 10 years earlier. th** compares with 36.4 kilograms per capita in britain and 25.4 kilograms per capita in the united states, but the upward trend ** in place. 2009年,**年人均消费烘焙食品4.1公斤,约合9磅。相比十年前年人均消费量2.1公斤,已近翻倍。当然,2009年英国年人均消费量为36.4公斤,而美国是25.4公斤,但**的增长势头不减。"young chinese city dwellers influenced by western culture increasingly f**or bread as a morning staple over traditional breakfast foods" like rice porridge, says anastasia alieva, a food analyst at euromonitor. "居住在城市中的**年轻人,受到西方文化影响,越来越多的人选择将面包作为早餐,而舍弃传统早点,如喝粥。"阿纳斯塔西娅(anastasia alieva)说。她是欧睿公司的食品行业分析师。爱思英语网the r**ing demand, mainly in china's major cities, has offered great business opportunities for foreign bakery chains, many of which h**e quickly expanded, gaining ground on large chinese bakery companies like chr**tine and holiland. the south korean chain par** baguette now has 37 stores in china while the **ese chain 85°c bakery cafe has about 145. 特别在**的主要城市,不断增长的市场需求,为国外的烘焙食品连锁企业提供了巨大商机。其中很多国外的企业业务快速扩张,对**本土的连锁企业,如"克莉丝汀"和"好利来",步步紧逼。韩国的连锁企业"巴黎贝甜"(par** baguette)在**已开出37家门店,而来自**的85度c,在****已经开了145家店铺。leading the foreign pack ** breadtalk, a singapore chain, which opened its first outlet in china in 2003 and now has 170 shops spread mainly across the wealthier coastal cities. 爱思英语网而在这些外资企业中,领头羊就是来自新加坡的连锁企业"面包新语"(breadtalk)。2003年,在**开出了第一家门店。而今,"面包新语"在**的门店数量达到170家,主要遍布在富裕的沿海城市中。frankie quek, chief executive of breadtalk's operations in china, said by telephone that the company had aggressive plans to expand that number to 500 over the next three years. 弗兰克•奎克(frankie quek)是负责"面包新语"**业务的首席执行官,他在电话采访中透露,公司制定了积极的扩张计划,在接下来的三年中,将把门店数量增加到500家。爱思英语网started in singapore in 2001 and l**ted on the sgx catal**t board of the singapore exchange in 2003, the same year it expanded into china, the chain was the first bakery in singapore to adopt a glass design for its kitchens to enable the public to view its bakers. the concept has proven particularly popular in china, where food safety ** a concern among consumers. it ** one of the elements that ms. zhang appreciates most because it means to her the products are fresh. 爱思英语网"面包新语"公司于2001年在新加坡成立。2003年在新加坡证交所凯利板**上市。同年,公司进入**市场。这家连锁企业在新加坡首次采用了透明玻璃设计,让公众能看到他们的面包师制作的过程。实践证明,这一理念在**特别受到欢迎,因为**的消费者对食品安全十分关注。这也是张女士最欣赏"面包新语" 的理由之一,会让她感到店面的食品都是新出炉的。breadtalk quickly establ**hed a good reputation and captured imaginations with its unusual baked goods, which can include green tea, pork floss (dried chinese meat that has a light and fluffy texture similar to coarse cotton) or curry. the names of the products are lively: hidden dragon, crouching bacon or himala-yes! 爱思英语网"面包新语"很快赢得了良好的口碑。而且他们制作的那些烘焙食品与众不同。他们在制作时,会添加绿茶,肉松或者咖喱,极具想象力。起的名字也很生动:藏龙卧猪,或者喜马拉雅!爱思英语网its buns today are priced on **erage from 7 renminbi to 10 renminbi, equivalent to the price of a plate of noodles in shanghai, and more expensive than most of its compe**s. but the company ** staying ahead of its competition by keeping its recipes and designs varied, constantly rolling out new bakery items, as well as investing he**ily in its branding, mr. quek said. 他们面包现在的售价从人民币7元到10元不等。相当于在上海买碗面的价钱,比同行的面包价格贵了许多。但靠着面包配方和设计的不断创新,新产品不断推出,同时,投入大笔资金来树立自己的品牌,"面包新语"一直在行业中领先,奎克先生说。"we've tried to create a lot of talking points amongst the media, from product to design and our open kitchen, even the funny names. we also do fashion shows with our buns as hair pieces," he explained. "我们尝试通过媒体,创作出许多话题,讨论我们的产品,设计,开放式的工作间,甚至那些有趣的面包名称。我们还通过时装秀,把我们的面包产品做成模特发型的一部分来展示。"奎克说。爱思英语网but competition ** intense, and the company has had to face down the copycats, which mr. quek feels cannot be **oided in china. mr. quek said that he had seen people in the stores measuring the height of their shelves, even the spacing. "they use camera video recording. i've seen so many personally. they even take our storyboards, the little note we put next to our buns," he said. 但行业竞争也相当激烈,"面包新语"还得去应付各种"山寨"货色。这种现象在**尤其无法避免。奎克先生说,有人在"面包新语"的门店里,测量货架的高度,甚至店铺的面积。"他们对门店进行拍摄。我自己就见到过多次。甚至连面包旁边的牌子都不放过,上面写着一些关于产品的小故事。"爱思英语网breadtalk started out operating retail outlets selling baked goods, but it quickly expanded into managing food courts and franch**e operations of restaurants. 爱思英语网"面包新语"最初经营门店销售烘焙食品,但很快就将业务范围扩大到经营美食广场,和特许饭店。breadtalk entered the restaurant business in 2003 by acquiring franch**e rights to bring the **ese din tai fung brand into singapore. 2003年,通过取得**鼎泰丰的特许经营权,"面包新语"公司将这一餐饮品牌引进新加坡。it started with one restaurant and has now expanded to a chain of eight restaurants. in china, the company opened its first carl's jr. franch**e in shanghai in 2009 and also ventured th** year into creating its own restaurant brand, ramenplay, via a joint venture with a japanese company, serving authentic japanese ramen noodle d**hes. 爱思英语网从最初的一家餐厅,现在已经开到第八家。2009年,"面包新语"公司通过特许经营,在上海开出了第一家美式汉堡店,"卡乐星"(carl's jr)。2010年,又同一家日本公司合资,开出了自己品牌的餐厅,"拉面玩家"(ramenplay),提供正宗的日本拉面。mr. quek said the bakery business still represents about 50 percent of overall revenue in china, and he anticipates th** number will remain stable as the company builds up its three different business pillars. breadtalk plans to increase the number of its food courts to about 60 over the next three years. as of early october, the group had 356 bakery outlets (170 in china), 31 food courts (20 in china) and 20 restaurants (8 in shanghai). 奎克先生称,烘焙业务的收入仍占到公司在**经营总收入的50%。他预计公司营收会保持稳定,因为公司已建立起三大块不同的业务。公司计划在今后三年内,将其经营美食广场增加到60个。2010年10月初,"面包新语"集团拥有356家面包门店(**170家),31家美食广场(**20家)和20家餐厅(上海8家)。爱思英语网in 2009, the company posted revenue of 246 million singapore dollars, or $187 million, up 16.1 percent on the previous year, while net profit stood at 11.6 million dollars, up 39.3 percent. 爱思英语网2009年,公司录得营收1.87亿美元,同比增长16.1%,净利润为1160万美元,同比增长39.3%。china accounted for 34.7 percent of total revenue, and mr. quek said he hoped to increase china's contribution to total group revenue to 45 percent th** year, as it has great potential as a growing market, though he also acknowledges th** might be difficult given the strong performance of the singapore market th** year. 奎克先生说,公司在**的营收目前占集团总收入的34.7%,今年会力争达到45%。他认为**市场潜力巨大,但也承认新加坡市场今年的增幅有限。爱思英语网in the first half of 2010, the company posted revenue of 138 million dollars, up 21.1 percent from a year earlier, but net profit fell 40.7 percent, to 3.3 million dollars, which the company attributed to lower earnings from the bakery segment and start-up losses from the restaurant segment. 2010年上半年,公司收入为1.38亿美元,同比增长21.1%,但净利润下跌40.7%,至330万美元。公司认为这是烘焙业务收入降低,而餐饮业务在启动阶段亏损引起的。j.p. morgan recently started coverage of the breadtalk group with a target price of 70 singapore cents a share, higher than the recent level of 62 cents. the bank noted that the company has transformed itself from a bakery chain into regional food and beverage player with strong presence in singapore and china. 爱思英语网摩根大通近期将"面包新语"的目标股价设定为0.7新加坡元,比实际交易的股价0.62元要高。该行认为公司已完成了从烘焙连锁企业到地区食品和餐饮企业的转型。其在新加坡和**的业务份额可观。"breadtalk's wide range of food and beverage offerings makes it well positioned to take advantage of the higher d**posable income of china's ** households and the r**ing trend of dining out among the mass affluent consumers," the investment bank wrote to its clients in a research note. 这家投行在给客户的研究报告中称,"种类繁多的食品,使得公司能牢牢利用好两点优势:**城市居民拥有的较高的可支配收;以及在大量富裕的消费者中,外出吃饭日益成为一种趋势。"mr. quek sees good growth opportunities in the cake market in china, noting that chinese consumers are increasingly buying them for special occasions like a birthday or other celebrations. "our cake market in china ** almost 35 to 40 percent of our overall sales," he said. over the next three years, the company ** planning to increase its franch**e ratio to 70/30 from the current 60/40. 奎克先生认为**蛋糕市场的商机正不断增加。他注意到**消费者在特殊的日子,如遇到自己的生日或其他节庆,买个蛋糕来庆祝越来越普遍。"我们在**的蛋糕销售额,几乎占到整个销售额的35%到40%。"他说。在接下来的三年中,公司正计划将特许经营店铺的比率,从目前的6:4增加到7:3。爱思英语网"franch**ing ** a great way to expand your business in china, but you h**e to do it right," mr. quek said. "you need to h**e a really strict first interview and check out the background of your franch**ee. and you should talk about money first before you talk further, that's one ugly fact, but that ** why up to today we h**e zero bad debt in china," mr. quek said. "在**,特许经营是扩大业务的好办法,但做起来需要正确的方法。"奎克说,"你在和申请特许经营者面谈时,必须十分严格,对其的背景情况必须了解清楚。而且,虽然令人感到不舒服,还是要先讨论付款问题,再谈其他事情,这就是我们特许经营商至今没有发生坏账的原因。"爱思英语网the breadtalk formula seems to be wo**ng for customers. ms. zhang, the mother in shanghai, shops at breadtalk two or three times a month. she said it was even catching on with her hu**and, who preferred the bread with sausage, ham or with a strong cheese fl**or — a far cry from the typical dim sum breakfasts the couple enjoyed as children."面包新语"的方法似乎对消费者取得了成效。作为一名生活在上海的妈妈,张女士每月会光顾两三次。她说,自己的丈夫也开始喜欢上他们了,他喜欢面包夹带着香肠,火腿或者浓浓芝士味道,这和小两口打小就喜欢的传统早点的味道大不一样。 20210311

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