
小太阳 2024-09-29 07:08:19
对此,本文内容具体如下:第一章,对研究背景、意义、方法、思路进行阐述。第二章,国际产业转移及产业结构理论概述和相关问题。重点论述国际产业转移及产业结构的相关理论。回顾基于外商直接投资的国际产业转移的理论,重点介绍边际产业转移理论、国际投资发展阶段理论。从当今国际产业转移的发展变化及最新趋势,简述国际产业转移的基本规律及趋势。第三章,**产业结构调整历程。从**产业结构的发展状况和**利用外资的现状等方面,来论述**产业结构的调整历程,为论述基于国际直接投资的国际产业转移作铺垫。第四章,外商直接投资对我国产业结构的影响。从利弊两方面辩证的分析基于国际直接投资的国际产业转移对**经济及产业结构的影响。第五章,我国产业结构调整的政策选择。结合外商直接投资对我国产业结构升级的影响,归纳总结出我国产业结构调整的对策,如加强对外商直接投资的产业引导;加强对企业技术引进的管理等。regarding th**, th** article content specifically as follows: first chapter, to studies the background, the significance, the method, the mentality carries on the elaboration. second chapter, international industrial shift and industrial structure theory outline and related question. key elaboration international industry shift and industrial structure related theory. review based on foreign direct investment international industrial shift theory, key introduction boundary industry shift theory, international investment development phase theory. from now international industrial shift development change and newest tendency, summary international industry shift basic rule and tendency. third chapter, china industrial structure adjustment course. from china industrial structure development condition and chinese use foreign capital aspect and so on present situation, elaborates the china industrial structure adjustment course, foreshadows for the elaboration based on the international direct investment international industrial shift. fourth chapter, foreign direct investment to our country industrial structure influence. from advantages two aspects dialectical analyses based on international direct investment international industrial shift to chinese economy and industrial structure influence. fifth chapter, our country industrial structure adjustment policy choice. the union foreign merchant direct investment the influence which promotes to our country industrial structure, summaries our country industrial structure adjustment countermeasure, if strengthens to the foreign direct investment industrial guidance; strengthens to the enterpr**e technology introduction management and so on. 20210311

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