
YL广东灿扬.卢森堡婚仪定制中心 2024-06-22 06:15:28
abstract the financial management plays an ind**pensable role for both enterpr**e management and personal business. it ** only via a reasonable financial management that people can control the funding stream in order to make the right investment dec**ions. there ex**ts very few software support for personal financial management although enterpr**es h**e implementated centralized finacial management for long time. therefore, it ** important to develop a user-friendly, easy-to-use, data secure, automated personal financial management system. forthmentioned d**cussion justifies the objective of th** software system developement. th** thes** presents a personal financial management system with the use of software engineering principles, object-oriented programming methods. th** thes** eleborates the process of the software system development: establ**hment and analys** of the systme requirement, system architecture design, detailed subsystem design, database design, system implementation, testing and maintenance. furthermore th** thes** work finally delivers a software - "personal financial management system." keywords: finanical management, management of income and expenditure, securities and fund, software design 20210311

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    • 2024-06-22 05:31:12
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    the country shares a 15-week closing high in china,stock ended at the highest point of the 15weeks. chinese stocks rose on friday a 15-week closing high,has r**en 0.8%th** week;in china,the stock ende...
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    the audit r**k ** objective,people can only in limited space and time change audit r**k ex**ts and the change in condition,reduce and reduce its occurrence frequency and degree,and can't completely el...
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    with the rapid development of capital markets, shareholder wealth and cultural dominance becoming more evident. business management's goals ** to create wealth for shareholders. dupont analys** sy...
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    • 2024-06-22 14:28:57
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    th** article focuses on the content ** the stock **suance examination system was studied. china's stock **suance examination system in nearly twenty years experienced several reforms, to now th** ...
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    economic globalization ** leading the current economic development trends,development of economic globalization,china's insurance industry ** bound to bring great impact on the economy ** to promote t...
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    in th** ** the financial system of rural cooperation system in a comprehensive analys** of the summary abroad cooperative financial advanced experience and contrast domestic problems with rural financ...
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    我试试~电力生产业上市公司投资分析 investment analys** on l**ted companies in power generation industry如今,我国的证券市场飞速发展,理财观念也被越来越多的普通居民所接受,所以我们看到投资证券的普通居民是越来越多。today, financing concept ** increasingly filtering into co...
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    second, impairment of assets related to the preparatory analys** of the problems of asset impairment preparation and measurement ** very difficult to confirm. prov**ion for impairment of assets, the k...
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    with the rate of the rmb's further appreciation of the dollar and the rmb exchange rate remained low settlement on china's import and export enterpr**es profitable and to survive ** a big test, while ...
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    • 提问者: 未知
    abstract:r**ing american interest rates,excessive innovation in financial products,and the overly easy credit system in america,among a series of other factors,h**e led to the eruption to th** subprim...

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