哪位高手能给翻译一下 谢谢

w洁 2024-06-16 23:23:58
老大,纯手工制作,看作这么多年学习英语的份上,追加一些分子给我吧!!!另外,如果觉得翻译的不咋地,请包涵!so we talked all night about the rest of our lives 我们彻夜聊着我们未来的日子where we're gonna be when we turn 25 当我们25岁的时候我们会如何?i keep thinking times will never change. 我固执己见,时代不会变迁keep on thinking things will always be the same 人心亦不会变but when we le**e th** year we won't be coming back 不过,我也知道,走出今年,难再回头no more hanging out cause we're on a different track 无法停滞了,因为我们步入了新轨and if you got something that you need to say 即便欲说还休you better say it right now cause you don't h**e another day 还是趁早一露心声吧,明日只是虚幻cause we're moving on and we can't slow down 我们整装前行,时不我待,一刻也不停留these memories are playing like a film without sound 过往一切,只不过宛如流淌的默片and i keep thinking of that night in june 六月之夜,谁能忘却i didn't know much of love but it came too soon 谁解真爱?何况它来的那么突然and there was me and you 你我二人相对and then we got real cool 我们曾经拥有stay at home talking on the telephone 电话情浓we'd get so excited,我们激动过 we'd get so scared 我们恐惧过laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair 挥斥方酋,粪土万户侯and th** ** how it feels... 一切的一切as we go on, we remember 我们依然在路上,但是,我们难以忘却all the times we had together 那些美好的相聚时光and as our lives change, come whatever 我们注定要改变,结局亦难料we will still be, friends forever 这友情必定长存so if we get the big jobs 上位也好and we make the big money 发家也罢when we look back now 我们未来的心境在回顾往昔的时候will our jokes still be funny? 我们的那些记忆还是那样的轻松可爱吗?will we still remember everything we learned in school? 我们还能依稀记起我们在校园的收获?still be trying to break every single rule 还会试图违反校规么will little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man? 我们的bobby 真的能够成为股票经纪人 [这句有点突兀,也许,和作者经历有关]can heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan? 希瑟能够找到一份悠闲自得的工作吗 [我认为,一个不妨碍她晒日光浴的工作就是悠闲自得的工作,楼主自己定夺^_^]i keep, i keep thinking that it's not goodbye 在我,我会永葆记忆keep on thinking it's a time to fly 穿越岁月的阻隔and th** ** how it feels.... 一切的一切…as we go on, we remember 我们依然在路上,但是,我们难以忘却all the times we had together 那些美好的相聚时光and as our lives change, come whatever 我们注定要改变,结局亦难料we will still be, friends forever 这友情必定长存(la la la la la la la la……) (we will still be, friends forever) 这友情必定长存will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? 我们今后还会如今天这么敏感么can we survive it out there? 我们明天如何延续那些日子?can we make it somehow? 我们能够达成几多?i guess i thought that th** would never end 剪不断,理还乱and suddenly it's like we're women and men 刹那间,我们这些红男绿女will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round? 是要终身为这些记忆所羁绊?will these memories fade when i le**e th** town 还是说,挥挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩i keep, i keep thinking that it's not goodbye 在我,我会永葆记忆keep on thinking it's our time to fly.... 穿越岁月的阻隔as we go on, we remember 我们依然在路上,但是,我们难以忘却all the times we had together 那些美好的相聚时光and as our lives change, come whatever 我们注定要改变,结局亦难料we will still be, friends forever 这友情必定长存as we go on, we remember 我们依然在路上,但是,我们难以忘却all the times we had together 那些美好的相聚时光and as our lives change, come whatever 我们注定要改变,结局亦难料we will still be, friends forever 这友情必定长存as we go on, we remember 我们依然在路上,但是,我们难以忘却all the times we had together 那些美好的相聚时光and as our lives change, come whatever 我们注定要改变,结局亦难料we will still be, friends forever 这友情必定长存 20210311

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