上面这句话出自paul krugman的holding china to account(让**承担责任)建议译文:堂而皇之的观点总是让人口瞪目呆,而且堂而皇之的观点近来也一直是错误的,货币问题(指美国指责**的所谓压低人民币汇率一事)也不例外。 respectable opinion指美国相关权威部门所发布的关于人民币汇率的观点,简言之,官方观点。鉴于原文的风格,姑且意译为:堂而皇之的观点。 20210311
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for centuries the world's surging w**e of bank mergers and acqu**itions, bank mergers and acqu**itions with an enormous potential for efficiency gains, but the banks h**e not received from the m & a a...
a: ah ~ ~ what a beautiful city! b: yes ah, i did not expect the honor to the united kingdom actually really fun! a: look at the wheat fields over there really beautiful ~ (c enters the stage, and to ...