
Wedding Bus 官方 2024-09-21 06:53:52
你好,很高兴翻译这样的文章。以下是本人的若干个人观点,仅供参考。1 第一句中的“使”字是否可以考虑删去? 2 全文的第二个逗号是否可以考虑换成分号 ?3 最后一句结构太长太冗,是否可以考虑再整理一下? due to the long-ex**ting ** - rural dichotomy in our country, the development of rural social pension insurance has been stunted or obstacled for long. there are still problems such as low insurance coverage, low security level and inadequate financial support. th** thes**, retrospecting the h**tory of rural social pension insurance, concludes the drawbacks of the system itself and problems during the implement. in addition, the thes** promote several feasible suggestions such as accelerating the leg**lation, strengthening the propaganda, ra**ing the incomes of farmers, re**rcing the construction of workforce, realization of maintaining and increaseing the value, as well as improvement of admin**tration,superv**ion and payment system.希望能帮到你! 20210311

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    楼上的是拿google翻的吧…我自己翻一遍,如果有什么语法结构问题,欢迎楼主指教^-^ britain's barclays bank recently did a survey towards 60,000 people earning an annual salary of than 100,000 pounds,which shows that boys called d**id and g...
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    abstract  as china's economy develops, people's living standards, especially with the influx of a variety of banking products, people living closer and closer with the bank, but bank branches ...

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