
Vincent_王鑫童鞋 2024-09-27 20:14:26
1、henry's latest novel and h** daughter's first book was publ**hed in three months ago, to their surpr**e, the latter has already sold one million copies 2、if you want to achieve something in life, the most important thing ** to build up confidence 3、the function of the automatic teller machine , can allow people to take out money from a bank account using a special card in the bank ** open or closed 4、i believe that more advanced animals ** th** doctrine evolved from the lower animals5, it ** self-evident that the education of young people ** vital to the future of a country. 6, has made countless experiments, scient**ts h**e showed in the aspects of improving human's beh**ior, pra**e ** much more effective than critic**m. 7, everyone sees the same scene, but see each are not identical. 8,now, people at that, the origin of human beings ** in africa. 9, the author thinks that we should not take it for granted that those who score high on intelligence test in the practical work of the person will do well. 10, as long as you keep trying, you will solve th** difficult problem sooner or later. 11, we often find it ** much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it. (to apply a sex) 12, huge investments (investent) h**e enabled the economy of th** region to develop rapidly. 13 industrial and automotive em**sions (to emit) carbon monoxide in the air ** polluted .14 , the person 's ability to learn seems to be infinite (limit) .ps;用有道翻译或者用灵格斯翻译,百度一下就能找到下载链接,电脑手机上都能安装,挺实用的。 20210311

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    对不起,第一句应是he ** wo**ng at a bank now. 另外,这个句子是新概念2 上的,的回答是错的。he ** wo**ng at a bank.可翻译成:他在银行工作. he ** now wo**ng at ...
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    developments in the banking industry will bring to the commercial banks to expand demand. the banking sector to its employees the knowledge and ability to put new demands. requiring commercial banks t...
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    trust yourself ** the only thing you can do
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    • 提问者: 未知
    楼上的真给力呀,为你提供了5份翻译!你所提的问题,难度真不小!the findings reported in the next section extend stern's(1995)frye-based analys** to the creative process.just as mythic elements echo"the values,lifestyles,and sensibil...

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