
陪伴是最长情的告白 2024-06-22 23:58:46
let your imagination wander and take you to a place you daydream of. a place where dramatic mountain ranges sweep majestically down to clear blue lakes. a place where peaceful country lanes meander tthrough meadows brimming with wildflowers. a place where crystal clear rivers gently tw**t their way through und**turbed countryside. a place where sandy shores and sparkling seas stretch out to the horizon. a place that feels a million miles away from home. a place where the landscape ** painted from a seasonal pallet of lush greens, vibrant blues, soothing yellows and burnt coppers and reds. a place to soothe your senses with the gentle babbling of a brook, the heady scent of honey**le in the clean, fresh air, the sensation of sand between your toes and the mouth-watering fl**ours of the local fare... ...that place ** cumbria - the lake d**trict a place to relax. a place to v**it.英国是一个变化中的**,新的思想和潮流不断涌现。传统的等级观念已经是过去。现在的英国是一个融合多种族,多文化的**社会。是**、金融、文化、艺术中心。伯明翰市位于英国中部,是英国最大的城市之一,城市人口来自世界可地,超过一百万。作为工业**的发源地,现在的伯明翰已经成为世界制造、金融和专业服务中型, 并是许多大型国际会议, 商务活动以及体育赛事的举办地。 五光十色的城市生活, 一流的体育设施, 叹为观止的文化艺术遗产, 风景宜人的乡间田园风光, 再加上丰富多样的休闲购物场所, 伯明翰无疑是一个理想的旅游胜地。得天独厚的地理位置, 使伯明翰成为英国的交通枢纽, 从伯明翰能够很方便地到达威尔士、牛津、伦敦以及湖区的等名胜。 附近的游览胜地也不计其数。英:england ** in a change country, the new thought and the tidal currentunceasingly emerge. the traditional rank idea already was past. thepresent england ** fuses the multi- races, multi- cultural democraticsociety. ** politics, the finance, the culture, the art**tic center.birmingham ** located middle england, ** one of engl**h biggestcities, the ** population comes from the world to be possible,surpasses 1000000. as the industrial revolution place of origin, thepresent birmingham already became the world manufacture, the financeand the professional service medium, and was many large-scaleinternational conferences, the commercial activity as well as thesports sports event conducts. the bright with many colors city life,the first-class sports facility, pra**es to the he**ens the culturalart inheritance, the scenery pleasant village rural scenery, inaddition the bountiful le**ure shopping place, the birmingham withoutdoubt ** an ideal tour**t attraction. the advantageous geographicalposition, causes birmingham to become engl**h the transportation keyposition, can very conveniently arrive wales, oxford, london as wellas the lake d**trict from the birmingham and so on the scenic spot.the nei**or tour parad**e ** also countless. 20210311

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