【翻译】most bicycle helmets provide good protectionfor the top and back of the head, but little or no protection for the temple regions on the sides of the head. a study of head injuries resulting from b...
我们非常愿意推荐某女士到贵组织进行培训。某市作为**沿海经济开发城市,拥有众多的从事对外贸易的企业,外贸进出口增长迅速。2005年进出口总额达到55.95亿美元。we are willing to nominate mrs xxx to accept th** training sponsored by your organization. as a coastal economic develo...
table 1 shows ceo age, the percentage of the ceos’ ownership of equity and stock options outstanding in the firm, and their voting power. 表格1显示了首席执行官(ceo)的年龄,ceo拥有资产的百比 以及 在公司里突出的股票购置权 还有 他们的投票权利。ceos...
the proceeds from option exerc**es might not translate into tax deductions at the firm level for various reasons. in particular, loss-making firms, firms employing incentive stock options, or firms em...
pay telev**ion,premium telev**ion,or premium channels refers to subscription-based telev**ion services,usually provided by both analog and digital cable and ...