1,可以 2,residual,残余的,有一定折损的 3,th** payment ** contingent,however,and due only after payments to debt instrument holders are made. 这项支付是不必然的(视情况而定的),而且只有在偿付了债务证券持有人之后才会发生。due可以翻成到期了,反正就是该付钱了的意思 4,over time... 20210311
加:plus/add 减:minus/subtract/take away. 乘:multiple by./times 除:divide by 1.ten minus five equal to five 2.six times six equal to thirty-six. 3.twenty divide by six equal to four. 4.fifty-nine million t...
i do not like the f**h, but i like the chicken.10.my grandfather already cannot read cannot write, because in the old day, he too ** poor, on does not get up study.11.th** boy ** very young, but he ca...
1 we nations need to be united , crack down speculation on oil futures market and the energy market , and oil speculation beh**ior. 2 i follow the rules of market economy , to increase and to cut cru...
这应该是一封实习评估函或证明吧,如下 certificate th** ** to certify that xxx(该同学的名字,以下暂且认为是男生,用he或him/h**,如是女生请改用she或her哦)had an internship in **ic securities co.,ltd.from.to.(加上日期,从几月几号到几月几号).he was wo**ng hard and ea...
楼上的zealotz - 见习魔法师 ** 回答的不错,然而毕竟实力和我还是差那么一点点,但是仅就这一点点,就酿成了很大的甚至是致命的错误。“年轻化”不能用contra-aging of the population,也不可以直接意译为younger population. 有专门的术语:“rejuvenation of population”。此外,保险单 insurance policy,貌似...
china's l**ted companies from scratch, since the childhood, in their development road of each step, soak the securities market participants in portland and blood and sweat. by 2009, december 25, a...