帮忙塔式起重机说明的翻译(中译英)在线等 高分~~~

潇洒走一生 2024-06-24 20:09:46
1 overview qtz40 tower crane ** china construction machinery manufacturing co., ltd. hubei full use of group technology, modular design and finite element analys** technology to "computer tower crane design platform" as a tool, designed for the newest type of crane. horizontal arm machine, trolley, on rotating hydraulic lifting cranes. maximum lifting weight of 4t; rated load moment 400kn • m; maximum load moment 440kn • m. th** machine features: (1) performance parameters and technical indicators h**e reached the leading domestic and international advanced level, the maximum wo**ng range of 47 meters, an increase of tower crane's wo**ng space. (2) shape the international popular form of machine, beautiful. (3) the machine adopts a new generation of high-quality, high performance tower cranes, electronic linkage console. (4) work more, to use a wide range. a bas** for a fixed, external attachment of two work for a variety of construction objects; independent lifting height 30 meters, 120 meters attached to a high degree of second rate, the four rate of 60 meters. (5), high wo**ng speed, speed performance ** good, smooth and efficient. ho**ting mechan**m with 3-speed motor and single speed ratio reducer, able to overload low speed, light-load high-speed, maximum speed up to 65.14m/min. traction trolley car in the horizontal arm of the body amplitude, has a good performance of the installation place. slewing mechan**m with planetary gear reducer, the configuration fluid coupling, high load capacity, start a smooth, reliable function with wind in place. (6) double-bar suspension crane rigid, rigid, light weight, small cross section, air res**tance ** small, even by force, and aesthetic appearance. (7) complete a variety of safety devices, can be guaranteed secure. (8) cab independent of side, good v**ion, to the operator to create a good wo**ng environment. (9) easy to use simple maintenance. machine weight (excluding weight, base and attached devices) 19.4t, the total installed capacity of 25.7kw, widely used in high-r**e hotels, residential and industrial buildings and other large construction projects, ** the ideal of middle and small construction companies construction machinery 20210311

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  • 帮忙翻译一下,翻译成英文,谢谢。
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