since the eighties of the 20th century, non-performing loans of the bank increased in a large amount, sent period frequently in global financial cr****. of our country bank loan break a contract on th...
extraction of the project r**k knowledge on the bas** of a project plan项目的风险知识提取上一个项目计划的基础yasunobu kino, kazuhiko tsuda, and tadashi tsukahara泰信基诺,津田和彦,冢原和忠graduate school of business sciences, univer...
**各地2113区的英文:5261various regions of china 各地区4102表达: 1、东北地区:1653north east 2、华北地区:north china 3、华东地区:east china 4、华南地区:south china 5、华中地区:central china 6、西北地区:northwest china 7、西南地区:southwest region 8...