高分求英文翻译 285字中文

@慧 2024-06-04 13:51:05
(楼上这些机译的也太funny了吧?逗不逗啊?)改革开放三十年来,随着**市场经济的发展,已经成为**国民经济增长中的生力军,在宏观经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。since thirty years of implementation of the opening-up and reform policy in china and the development of chinese market economy, the private small and medium sized enterper**es h**e turned into the new force of chinese national economic growth and it plays a more and more vital role in the macroeconomy.而职工的,却与其发展极其不适应。寻其解决方法首先应从其存在的问题着手,本文主要从**、企业、个人三个方面分析目前**的养老保险存在的问题,包括**方面的制度供给缺失,政策措施以及监督管理落实不到位;企业方面的企业主社会保险意识不强;职工个人方面的对养老保险的认识不够全面。however, the development of the old-age insurance system ** incons**tent with the development of the enterpr**es. the solution should first focus on the ex**ting problems and th** thes** will analyze the current ex**ting problems in the old-age insurance system of chinese private small and medium sized enterpr**es from three aspects: **, enterpr**e and individual. it includes the system supply deficiency, policies and measures as well as the ineffective implementation of superv**ion management in the aspect of the **; the enterpr**e owner’s weak consciousness of taking insurances for the employees in the aspect of the enterpr**es; the incomprehensive knowledge of the old-age insurance in the aspect of the emplyees.并对造成上述问题的原因作了适当的阐述,然后根据这三方面所存在的问题各自提出相应的解决对策,从而为民营中小企业问题的解决提供参考。there’s also an appropriate explanation on the causes of the above-mentioned **sues and the corresponding solutions are provided according to the ex**ting problems in those three aspects, thus offering the references for solving the old-age insurance problem in the private small and medium sized enterpr**es. 20210311

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