transpacific 的英文介绍

生活要有仪式感 2024-06-02 09:12:43
shenzhen transpacific investment group ltd. ** a diversified investment company. for the past 10 years, the company focuses on french grand cru wine business, owning complete wine investment theory and rich experiences in wine investment operation.  the company has a professional management team who know well about wine investment product design and sale. the company adheres to its core value of “leading innovation, staying independent, being professional and aggressive, respecting customer value, open and share”, and explores various investment channels. it aims to create the most reliable international wine exchange platform in the principle of collection, investment, and value sharing. th** marked the transaction of domestic wine investment reach the international standard in capital security and efficiency.  shenzhen transpacific investment group ltd. (referred below as transpacific) introduces a series of investment products derived from fine wine to trade on the sqfae. it lifts the preclude of building the most reliable international wine exchange platform in the world.  our v**ion ** to be the largest grand cru wine exchange platform in china by consolidating full services from investment wine collection, trading, exhibition, to wine storage, log**tics, customs approval. to further develop the platform into the third largest international fine wine exchange after new york wine exchange and london liv-ex with emphas** on exhibition, storage and transaction for sixty-one grand cru wines. we dedicate to establ**hing shenzhen transpacific investment group ltd to be the commercial center of grand cru wine in china, offering industry benchmark prices at sqfae. 20210311

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