帮我把这段摘要翻译成英文 谢啦。

愤怒的小鸟 2024-09-25 22:48:08
dividend policy ** a continuation of the company, investment and financing activities of the logic, the inevitable result ** the company's financial beh**ior, also influence the dec**ion of stock, capital structure. appropriate dividend policy ** conducive to the l**ting corporation to set up the good image, arouse the enthusiasm of investors, to achieve the company value and the shareholder wealth maximization! market of china's stock market has from childhood to youth, althoughwith the development of china stock market, l**ting corporation dividend policy has improved, by random assignment to the has allocated a certain reason. but influenced by the special social and economic structure, china's l**ting corporationdividend policy has been more deviation, there are still no dividend, dividendserious abnormal phenomenon, the high volatility of the dividend policy **sues such as. at the same time, as the national policy ** china stock market barometer, ** particularly sensitive to changes in policy, change of the national dividend tax policyhas important guiding role to the l**ting corporation of dividend d**tribution policy!th** ** from china's l**ting corporation dividend policy status andcharacter**tics, on the bas** of the analys** of current situation of dividend d**tribution of l**ting corporation in china, put forward perfect our country l**ting corporation dividend d**tribution policy 求采纳 20210311

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