急: 翻译

你的女孩m. 2024-12-03 10:58:35
靠,都是第一个人的答案,有什么采纳和可以的。indian financial markets are the united states felt the financial turmoil emitting bursts of cold. 伴随着美国信贷危机向欧洲扩散、人们对全球经济下滑的担心日益突显,与美国、欧洲、亚洲主要**的股市走势相同,10月6日印度孟买sensex指数暴跌725点,跌幅达5.8%, 以低于12000点报收,创2006年9月份以来的新低。 with the u.s. credit cr**** to the proliferation of europe, about the global economic downturn highlights the growing concern, with the united states, europe, asia, the major countries of the same trend in the stock market, on october 6 in mumbai, india sensex index fell 725 points, or 5.8% to below 12,000 points, the highest since september 2006 to a new low. 与股市表现类似,印度卢比近期一路下行,10月6日兑美元汇率达到47.82:1,为5年来最低。 and a similar performance in the stock market, the indian rupee in the near future all the way down, on october 6 against the u.s. dollar reached 47.82:1 for the 5-year low. 为增加市场流动性,印度央行紧急调低现金储备率(crr)0.5个百分点,从原来的9%下调到8.5%,自10月11日生效,这是5年来印度央行首次调低现金储备率,此举可向市场注资2000亿卢比。 to increase market liquidity, the bank of india to reduce emergency cash reserve ratio (crr) 0.5 percentage points, from 9% to 8.5%, since the entry into force on october 11, which ** 5 years india for the first time the central bank to lower cash reserve rate, which can be injected to the market 200,000,000,000 rupees. 为控制通货膨胀,从2006年12月以来印央行多次共调高现金储备率4个百分点,现在为**不得不突然回转。 to control inflation, from the december 2006 indian central bank has repeatedly ra**ed the cash reserve ratio of 4 percentage points, to s**e the market now h**e to turn all of a sudden. 目前印度金融监管当局正密切注视着国际金融形势的发展变化情况,并随时准备采取进一步的措施以因应新的变化。 at present, india's financial superv**ory authorities are keeping a close watch on the development of the international financial situation changes, and stands ready to take further measures to cope with the new changes. 20210311

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