offer ** sth造句子(5)个要求有翻译

达里尼的阳光 2024-06-05 05:35:19
as compensation, we will offer you a complimentary dessert.做为补偿,我们为您提供一份免费甜品。they turn to us because we can offer them treatment in clinics with no waiting l**ts and higher success rates.他们求助我们,因为我们可以为他们提供治疗诊所,没有轮候名单和较高的成功率。while each investor in a chinese bank claims to offer its partner western expert**e and technical know-how, sir fred appears to h**e embarked on a larger m**sion.每个**银行业的投资者都宣称会为合作伙伴提供西方的专业知识和技术诀窍,而弗雷德爵士似乎已开始着手一项更大的使命。still, if you need to express your feelings and sort out your emotions, you may want to see if there are professionals on your cancer care team who can offer you supportive counseling.尽管如此,如果你需要表达你的感受或者理清你的情绪,你可能想知道你的**治疗小组中是否有专家能够提供辅助咨询服务。he offered me a glass of wine.他给了我一杯葡萄酒。5句了。。。句子不难,只是可能句子看上去长,看上去有些专业,,,但是如果单词都认识,这些句子还是比较简单的。。 20210311

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