
卡西莫多 2024-12-01 13:48:06
这是谷歌翻译:1 further promote exchange rate, interest rate reform, cross-border use of rmb to lay foundation for the market. 2. accelerate the promotion and development of domestic financial markets open, providing more space for cross-border rmb business development. 3 actively promote capital account convertibility of rmb for cross-border business development to expand the channels. 4 continue to improve and improve macroeconomic regulation and financial superv**ion capacity to effectively prevent systemic r**k. 5 requires financial institutions to provide more personal, better meet the business needs of the renminbi financial services. 6. rapid development of cross-border rmb business and rmb internationalization forward the fundamental driving force or market demand.以下是有道翻译:1.further promote the reform of exchange rate, interest rate marketization, use market foundation for cross-border yuan.2. speed up promote the opening up and development of the domestic financial market, provide more space for cross-border rmb business development.3. actively promote the rmb capital account convertibility, broaden the channels for cross-border rmb business development.4. continue to improve and improve macroeconomic regulation and control and financial regulation ability, effectively prevent systemic r**k.5. need to financial institutions to provide more intimate, more financial services to meet the need of enterpr**e rmb.6. cross-border rmb business and the rapid development of the fundamental driving force of the development of the forward the international**ation of the renminbi and the market demand. 20210311

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